Monthly Archives: March 2017

Quote-tastic Monday: No Star Trek Reference This Week

I am reading another of the Sept Dragons however.  This is the first one that is not about Aisling Grey, so I guess that is why there is a dearth of Star Trek references.  –sigh–

It really is a good book though and like all Katie MacAlister books, it is definitely funny.  So without further ado . . . the quotes.

Gabriel and May are newly mated and in his opinion May can do no wrong.  Drake, the dragon who is mated to Aisling, knows better however.  He tells Gabriel,

“She’s a female American.  No doubt you will soon understand the true depth of hell she can put you through.”

And, of course, I have to include something about the demon in dog form, Jim.

Several of the dragons are fighting.  This is nothing new.  It’s almost a constant occurrence in this book.  Aisling has just told Jim to stop them.

“Stop them how?  You want I should pee on them or something?”  Jim asked Aisling.

Which apparently was a good idea because

The threat of urination had more effect than all the pleading in the world.  En masse the dragons hastily got to their feet, dirty, bleeding, and furious, to a man.

And so, my contribution to the Quote-tastic Monday annals.  Enjoy!

“Quote-Tastic Monday” is a meme hosted every Monday on Herding Cats & Burning Soup.  Head on over there to see what everyone else is posting about this week.quote-tastic final with green border

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Filed under Contemporary, Humor, Paranormal, Romance

Quote-tastic Monday: Holy Smokes AND Another Star Trek Reference

Okay, I don’t know how I missed/forgot the Star Trek references the first (2nd, 3rd, ?) time(s) I read this series, but I have found another one.  I’m reading book four, Holy Smokes, and Aisling, Jim, Rene, and her Uncle Damian have just traveled by portal to Tibet.  The company they used is Budget Teleporters.  I’m just throwing that out there.  Anyway, the Star Trek reference:

“I feel like I’ve just participated in a Star Trek episode,” Uncle Damian said.


Ow!  Star Trek?  You mean one of the episodes when the Enterprise was being attacked, and everyone was shaken off their seats?”


“No,” Uncle Damian answered my question,  . . . “I’m talking about how one of the characters always protested having his atoms beamed around the universe.”

And just in case you don’t know, that character would be none other than Leonard “Bones” McCoy, MD!  My all-time favorite Star Trek character who was played by DeForest Kelley, a native of Georgia – both the actor and character.  And yes, I’m from Georgia.




“Quote-Tastic Monday” is a meme hosted every Monday on Herding Cats & Burning Soup.  Head on over there to see what everyone else is posting about this week.quote-tastic final with green border

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Filed under Contemporary, Humor, Paranormal, Romance

Quote-tastic Monday: Fire Me Up by Katie MacAlister

fire-me-upQuote-tastic Monday AND a Star Trek reference:  what’s not to love?

I am still in re-reading mode, although this time I blame my friend Patty Burdette.  I loaned her my Aisling Grey series books and she loves them.  So do I, so when she told me I had to re-read them so we could discuss them, I agreed.  It’s been way too long since I read these books and I don’t think I have ever read the entire series including the Sept dragons straight through.

I am on book three now, Light My Fire, but the quote that I picked for today came from book two, Fire Me Up.  Jim, the demon dog, ate something poisonous and has just been released from the vet.  He is delighted to be out, but still worrying/obsessing about his health.  Aisling is just thrilled he didn’t “die.” (He is a demon after all, so can’t really die.  His corporeal body can however.)

When he asks her if she thinks his IV site looks infected, she hugs him and says,

“Dammit, Jim, I’m a Guardian, not a doctor.”

And I lost it!  This is the only Star Trek reference I remember, but the funny lines never stop.  This is one of the funniest romance series I have ever read and I look for books with lots of humor.  You really need to give them a try.

By the way, the demon dog Jim’s real name is Effrijim, but he prefers Jim.  He thinks his real name is too girly.

“Quote-Tastic Monday” is a meme hosted every Monday on Herding Cats & Burning Soup.  Head on over there to see what everyone else is posting about this week. quote-tastic final with green border

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