Heart Journey (Celta’s Heartmates, #9) by Robin D. Owens


Helena, a renowned cartographer, is exploring Celta when she finds out she has a HeartMate. Yearning for a partner, she is drawn to meet him.

Actor Raz Cherry is dedicated to his career. Uninterested in long-term commitments, he ignores an oracle that foretells of his HeartMate.

Though passion ignites, their lifestyles clash. Only when mysterious thefts threaten their families can they overcome the obstacles on their journey to love. (from Goodreads)

The characters’ personalities are always different in these books, but I have always liked the main characters, just in different ways.  This book is an exception.  I do not like Raz.  He is selfish, self-centered, and although he does not want to intentionally hurt Helena, he will to keep from having to do something he does not want.

His fam is just like him.  The fams all tend to be selfish and self-centered.  Most of them are cats, after all.  His kitten (cannot think of her name) is worse than most.  She is actually hateful at times.

Of course, Raz does accept Helena in the end.  It wouldn’t be a romance otherwise, but I still don’t think he is a worthwhile hero.

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